Two Sundays

— On 1 March 2020, Dan Happel, host of Connecting the Dots, had me as guest on his show. On this, the first of two shows, we were joined by Brendi Wells, the South African-born wife of John Wells. John operates a show in the USA called Caravan to Midnight. Our further South African-based guest was Hendrik de Ryke who keeps us apprised of the situation on the ground in South Africa. A recording of our show is HERE. Since I shared the effort with others, I should confirm that, as always, I speak for myself and no other individual and I make up my own mind about any matter based on proper evidence.

I was 40 minutes late for the show, which, at my request, had been opened with a YouTube clip of Bobby Kennedy addressing a liberal NUSAS student audience in 1966 in Cape Town. This speech of his would start 54 years of misunderstandings about the reality in South Africa and wrongly extrapolated parallels with the situation that pertained in the USA in 1966.

We discussed various matters related to South Africa, alternating between Brendi, Hendrik, and myself to answer questions posed by Dan. I arrived too late to put the matter of slavery in context. I did explain to Dan afterward that there were indeed slaves in South Africa in the early days, but none of them were indigenous South African people.

The guest for the show after ours could not make it, and so I volunteered to remain on the air for ANOTHER HOUR, as I had come late.

The Second Show

A week later, on 8 March, we did the second of the two planned shows. On this occasion we were joined by Jason Bartlett, who, as folks will know, is walking from Austin, Texas to Washington DC in the hope of making the deplorable situation of the farmers in South Africa clear to President Trump. I have reported on this BEFORE.

This particular show is recorded HERE.

My Thanks

My thanks go to Dan Happel. I do not believe he would mind me copying here a line from his latest e-mail to me.

I will stand with you, my friend, as a watchman on the wall.

My response was, Don’t look now, but you have just explained why, when all is said and done, my faith is in Americans.

Dan grew up in the Dutch Reformed Church in the USA. Of course, the Dutch Reformed Church is the major church of Afrikaners.

Harry Booyens