South Africa: Who stole the Land?

Dispossessing a Nation

— In Late February 2018, under the rule of Cyril Ramaphosa, the brand new president of South Africa, the Parliament passed a decision to make it legal for the Government to seize the farms of white people without compensation. For this, the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa would have to be amended in order to legalize what amounts to State Sanctioned Theft from people on the basis of their skin color. A Constitutional Review Committee has to report on this by 30 August 2018. Ramaphosa promised he would do this during his campaign to be made the new leader of the ANC and thereby president of the country as a whole.

For the last few decades, White South Africans have had to silently listen to racist politician after racist politician systematically create an impermeable wall of lies on the subject of how white people ostensibly “Stole South Africa from Black People“. They do this in order to dispossess white citizens of their rights in their own country that took them 365 years of blood, sweat and tears to build. These politicians then take to the stage to dance around and chant “Kill the Boer” (farmer) and incite racial hatred among uneducated Black people who need a scapegoat for their misery, a misery that is caused by the very same government. The prime example is the racist agitator Julius Malema below. Click on the image to see him tell his audience what to do to the white farmers of South Africa.

To drum up emotions in support of their death chants, these divisive demagogues like to quote numbers, and the Western Media plays along. So, for example, the  Government legislation formally states thatBlack people own less than 2% of rural land” and that “..the African Majority was confined to 13% of the land….in 1994“. The Liberal Western Media laps up this kind of thing and uses it as a preface to any article even attempting to report on the resulting murders and torture deaths of white farmers incited by these politicians. And so the victim is blamed for his own torture death.

South Africa and the Matter of Land

This series of articles seeks to systematically present the historical South African demographic picture for all to see. Much of the material may be read in more detail in the book AmaBhulu displayed at the top left of this page. It is a long read, but the truth is never easy and seldom comfortable. After all, the truth takes hard work. But I hope to make it worth the reader’s while. With this information, non-Black South Africans can defend their rights to anyone. And it is particularly to white liberals in the Northern Hemisphere that they need to defend their right of existence. Those in the Northern Hemisphere capable of independent thought and rational thinking will realize the Formal Media has been misleading them, and has been doing so for a very long time—long enough to have created two generations of ignorant teachers to mislead their children.

So, get coffee and strap in for the ride. If I present truth properly, the reader will be scratching his or her head. This is exactly why I shall provide the evidence all the way along via suitably linked references. I shall provide comment of my own, but that will be quite clear and discernible. If the tone is intense, I do not apologize. We are not playing here anymore. People are dying because of this and the truth is important in order to save lives.

As we proceed with the history, please turn back to the above figure (click to enlarge), because the geography and climate of South Africa lie at the root of everything. Imagine two huge swathes of Black people expanding down into the subcontinent either side of the 11,000 foot spine of the Drakensberg in the east of the country. The one group, the Nguni, came via the wet subtropical eastern coastal belt, while the Sotho-Tswana group came across the dry Bushveld to settle in a grand north-pointing horseshoe around the perimeter of South Africa’s High Winter-freezing Prairie. And then, in the early 19th century, these people set upon one another, reducing some to cannibalism, completely exterminating others, and driving out yet others of both groups to the fringes of their known world. It is after this that the white Trekkers entered the deep interior of the country in 1836. But, let’s not get ahead of the story…

The Key Periods in History

The first nine chapters, covering some key periods in history, have been written and we provide them here along with links to the permanent page for each. This present article will be edited as the project proceeds. Click on the images to go to the chapters in question:

1. The Time of the Portuguese 1487 -1647

The only people the Portuguese explorers of 1500 ever saw in South Africa up to the Mtamvuma River were Khoekhoe, not Black Africans.


 2. The Dutch founding of the Settlement at the Cape – 1652

As the Dutch prepared to found the Settlement at the Cape of Good Hope, the nearest Black Ba’Ntu settlements were still established beyond the Mzimvubu River. Documented by a formal Commission of the present ANC government, the amaXhosa elders record that their nation were immigrants to the country.

3. Setting the Fish River Boundary 1750-1779

The run-up to the First Frontier War of 1780 confirmed the Great Fish River, some 500 miles from Cape Town, as the border between the Frontier Settlers and the Frontier amaXhosa. It is from this position in the year 1780 that fruitful debate can be started about who “stole” what land from whom.

4. The Two Frontier Wars between Afrikaners and the amaXhosa

In 1786, the Graaff-Reinet District was created to extend along the coast from the Gamtoos River to the Great Fish River. In the interior it included the Tarka beyond the Great Fish River and in the north almost reached the Orange River. The Second Frontier War of 1793 reinforced the Great Fish River as the border between the Cape Colony and the Frontier amaXhosa.

5. The British Cape Frontier before the Great Trek 1799-1836

In 1795 the British took the Cape, precipitated the Third Frontier War of 1799, and made a shameful  mess of it. In the Fourth Frontier War (1811) they destroyed the Frontier amaXhosa in a Scorched Earth campaign. In the Fifth Frontier War (1819) the amaXhosa invaded and were again defeated by the British. In December 1834 the amaXhosa invaded the Cape Colony in the Sixth Frontier War. They were again defeated and their land beyond the Great Fish River taken by the British. We also treat the Frontier with the abaThembu people north of the Winterberg. The background to the Great Trek of Chapter 8 is explained.

6. The World of the Black People Before the Mfecane: 1816

We consider the Black nations of South Africa who would respectively conduct and suffer under the Mfecane, the Great Crushing.  We specifically consider their distribution as nations prior to the Mfecane. Some were major nations who would conquer and destroy others, Some were smaller nations who would subsequently play a key role. We also consider the last independent Khoi people, the Koranna, and the Griqua of mixed descent who settled the northern frontier of the Old Cape. We place them all on the map, ready for the horrendous Mfecane to start around 1816 in Natal and some six years later in earnest in the interior.

7. The Mfecane – Twenty years of Hell on Earth  1816-1836

We consider the history of the Great Crushing,  the Mfecane, in which the early 1800s rise of the Zulu precipitated upheaval and displacement over a staggeringly large part of Africa beyond the Cape frontier up to the equator. It is an epic of vast proportions that completely obliterated some nations and erased people from huge tracts of the interior of what is today South Africa. It turned others to cannibalism as a way of life. It is possibly the most brutal, savage, and bloodthirsty epoch at any time in the history of the planet.

8. The Great Trek-1: 1836-1837 – The Trans-Orange

We follow the Trekkers across the Orange River into the uninhabited skeleton strewn interior and consider their fate up to 1837.  Desperate for a land where they could live free of the prejudiced, erratic, and deadly British yoke, they relied on their legendary shooting ability, their Bibles, and their unshakable Christian Faith.

9. The Great Trek-2: 1837-1841 – Transvaal and Natal

We consider the final battle between the Trekkers and the Monster Mzilikazi, who flees the country. We follow Trek Leader Piet Retief to his treacherous death at the hand of the Zulu tyrant Dingane. Helped by the oppressed Black nations in Natal and a handful of independent British, Dingane is defeated. This allows the Trekkers a long term peace and alliance with the new Zulu King, Mpande, after jointly driving the treacherous Dingane from the country. The peace between Trekker and Zulu would last to this very day.


10. Back to the Interior: 1842-1876

[being written]

11. Britain wants the rest  1876-1902

[To be written]

12. From the 1913 Land Act to the 1970s Homelands

[To be written]

13. Threat of Genocide  1994-2020

[To be written]

Harry Booyens